Friday, December 5, 2008

Mounties' Pride

This afternoon's pep rally made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
It was a scene so raucous it made an out-of-shape reporter delusional enough to think he could make at least one tackle in tonight's game against A.L. Brown.
(But, no, I didn't hit anyone.)
The players all entered the gym behind the drum line and the "K" AND "M" flags were waived proudly throughout the gym.
School principal Ronny Funderburke rode a dirtbike around the gym, while other teachers rode in on anything from four-wheelers to battery-powered scooters.
There was even a skit featuring teachers dressed up like KM and A.L. Brown players that was intended to foretell what would happen in the late stages of tonight's game, supposedly another close contest down the stretch.
Roberts faked a hand-off to Chambers and....
They said you would have to show up tonight to see the result of the play.
A somewhat cute and laughable scene for the students I'm sure to see their teachers making fools out of themsleves.
(Let's hope Roberts looks a little more agile tonight than the teacher playing his role...)
The players rounded out the Mounties' get-together getting rowdy at center court before and as the band played the alma mater.
By the way, the seniors won the spirit contest, and rightfully so.
After what will no doubt go down as the most exciting week during their time at the high school, was there any other way the celebration could have ended?